A downloadable Babylone : CTD for Windows

Babylone : Close The Doors

Hi Nhoringtum there ! I'm Jammer on the Spring 2D Jam '24 with theme : Plants !

I was alone for this jam, using Unity and Open Game Art for the assets. Hope you'll see the potential of this short prototype and the base story !

Base story :

You are Marduk, great primordial God of Sun in Babylone. You want to repulse the military forces of Cyrus The Great, the founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. For closing the 8 doors of Babylone, you'll need to use the flower power (yeah sounds 60s) to maintain ennemies in front of the city ! The ground is infertile but due to your power, you can use some magic to create fertilized zone where you can put flowers.

 Thanks to your son, Nabu, and other Gods, you will improve your power to keep safe the city !

Thanks for reading and for testing my prototype ! Don't be shy and share me what's work and what's don't (I noticed some by the way but feedback are always welcomed !)

Cya !



Babylone_Close_The_Doors.rar 37 MB

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